
Be Carefull of Heat Stroke in The Summer.

The hot weather continues for these days.
Nowadays, Hiroshima's temperature in excess of 30 degrees.
People should worry about heat stroke.
These days, a lot of people suffered heat stroke, and they were taken to hospitals by a ambulance.
In the worst case, severe heat stroke can also lead to death.

I often hear about heat stroke in the news.
Some people already sent to hospitals with this symptom.
My friends produced a touch of heat stroke.
She walked around the street in the sun, and she felt sluggish.
Fortunately, she entered the cafeteria and had a rest before it got too bad.

Heat stroke is a physical disorder caused by a sudden rise in our body heat due to high envitonmental temperature and humidity.
Doctors said that those under stress, the elderly people, infants and short of sleep are also susceptible to heat stroke.
Morever, it is said that people who are overweight or short of sleep are especially susceptible to it.
Experts warn that it can occur even when a people have not been exposed to direct sunlight.
The reason is that deficiency of water and salt contributes to heat stroke.
People are lost thier fluid and salt by a sweat.
That is why, in the summer, it is important to drink water and take in salt for people wherever we are.
Sports drinks are especially effective for this.
Unfortunately, if you suffering from heat stroke, you should rest in a cool and airy place, and try to lower your body temperature.

An increasing number of hear stroke will have been reported if the extremely hot weather in this summer.
Please be carefull of it, and pay great attention to keeping our good physical condition.
To beat the heat, people should ensure frequent of fluids and get enough sleep to maintain a nice physical condition.

Thanks for reading.
Pease make some comments for me if you read my blog and have enough time.

See you!!


Today, I Thought About.....

Today is rainy day, too.
The rainy season is not over by a long shot!!

I woke up at about nine o'clock.
However, I was very quite sleepy today because I talked long on the phone with my close friend at last midmight.
It took three and a half hours to hang up our cell-phone.
Therefore I was sleepy, but I wrote my graduation thesis.
Actually, I wanted to wash my car this afternoon but could not do it.
As you know, it is rainy today....
I gave up washing it, and I watched the TV in the afternoon.

At that time, I saw some unique commercial messages on the TV.
It is message of smart-phones.
These are airing on our TV.
Each company of cell-phone made them nice commercial messages, and they told consumers that the most useful smart-phone is our product.
The picture of commercial message gives expression to their macine's innovative function.
Most people has that innovative items, especially young people.
If you look around you, there are a lot of people who has the cool item.

The item have become increasingly popular in the past several years.
The goods made it easier for pople to access to the Internet wherever you are.
There are a lot of terrific tools, and it has huge volumes of data.
In addition, it is smaller than computers but can do almost exactly the same thing on the small screan.
Of course, new one has a lot of popular and convenient functions, such as waterproof bodies and receiving One Seg TV programs.
One Seg is a terrestrical digital broadcasting service.
These mervelous function was in the traditional cell-phone's style.

There are many nice function in smart-phones.
However, I have a resistance to talk to the phone.
Taking to machine is strange view because they are not person.
The brain will be confused and go out of our mind if people do that as if the phone is our friend, because people and our brain may not understand we are talking with the machine.
Of course, the machine's function is wonderful, but people had better not use it that way.
I think people should utilize the function for the handicapped.
If the function hears voices of the handicapped  and write down thier word, they can write the letter, even if they can not move their hands.

People should use the great machine for everyone.
It is important things for people.
Today, that was why I thought about smart-phones when I watched some interesting commercial messages.

Thanks for your reading.
See you!!


About Yesterday

Japan was hit by heavy rain in yesterday.
It caused a lot of uncomfortable things to happen in Hiroshima.
Rivers flooded after a heavy rain.
Buses and trains couldn't run in their route.
Morever, there were some terrible trafic jams in the city.
It made me irritating and worry because I thought I was late at school.
How did you feel about it?

On the evening, I went home after the school.
When I watched the news on the TV, I thought of electricity.
The repoter said electric bill of Tokyo might be going to raise in this summer.
People should save the electricity not only raseing a bill but also our planet.
Nowadays, the environmental problem is very seriously issue in all over the world.

Tokyo tried to save the electricity in last summer because of a power shortage in the city.
As you know, they could not generate a electric power because most of the power plant were severely destroyed by the awful earthquake which happened in area of Tohoku on last March.
As a result, people could not generate enough power by a nuclear power generation.
Of course, it is very dangerous, but it has an important part in generating electricity in Japan.

However, Tokyo needs not to save more electricity this year because people changed the nuclear power generation from the thermal power generation.
The celectric power company made the fullest possible use of their thermal plant.
That is why the citizen have to pay more bill to electric power company, because the cost of the thermal power generation is higher than nucler one.

It is problem not only Tokyo but also Japan.
People should think how to use the electricity.
People can use it by thermal power, and even if the significant technology of electric generation were developed, it would not mean that limited resources could be used freely.

Thanks for reading.
See you!!


Be careful about food poisoning.

It's hot today!!

When I was watching the TV, the TV reporter said that we shold be careful about food poisoning on the summer.
It was noticed me that the season of food poisoning.
There are a lot of delicious food in summer, but food spoils quickly in the summer as it is very hot.
People are careful and should take prevention of food poisoning.

We can kill most of the germ by heat.
However, there are some germs can live in heat.
Some germs are evolving in these days.
They are propagated by means of heating, and product a poison.
The dangerous germ has weak point which is a cold of a temperature.
That's why, people can avoid the germ if they use refrigerators.

On the other hand, people must be careful about their hands when they are cooking.
As you know, there are a lot of germs in our hands.
People need to wash their hands very carefully before cooking.

Of course, the best of careful thing is raw food because it is most perishable food, such as vagetables, fish and fruits.
People had better cook and eat these food as soon as posible.
In addition people wash their hands well when they touch it.

The food poisoning is very danger because people become ill from it after eat food.
However, we have a way to prevent it.
We take the right prevention and enjoy many food in this summer!!
Take care not to eat too much and have a stomachache!!

Thanks for your reading.
If you have enough time, please make some comments for me.


Despite the rain.......

How you feeling?
I was very tired because I did job hunting and worked at my part-time job.
There is nothing special on my weekend.
How about you?

Did you go to two new big electric shops at Hiroshima?
As you know, one is Yamada electric shop, the other is Deodeo.
There are located in the central region of Hiroshima.
It is easy to visit these two shops for a lot of people because there are many transportation to visit the cantral city.

Despite the rain, so many people went to these two shops because both of these shos sell many home electric appliances at a greatly reduced price.
The discount day took place on Friday to Sunday.
I'm not sure, fans were priced at 500 yen by Yamada electric shop!!
On the other hand, Deodeo sold iPads at 0 yen!!
Of course, purchaser dosen't get router which is connection item of the internet, because router sell separately.
These two shos were locked into a competitive battle on their bargain days.
Morever,I saw that a great number of people stand in line waiting for the opening hour of the shop.
How amazing!!
After the opening hour, people bought some goods and bring it on the street.
It looks very heavy!!
Although people have these items with satisfaction.
Price competition is very severe and it will contine these days.
These big shops are going to develop for consumer.

See you!!
Thanks for your reading.
Please make some comments for me!! 


About Summer

How are you doing these days?
I was busy, so I have to do many things, such as writing my graduation thesis, doing job hunting and working part-time job.
I feel fullfilled.

By the way, it is gettting hotter and hotter.
The temperature likes summer.
People can many things on summer, such as swimming, eatting shaved ice and visiting summer festival.
There are many summer feature in Japan.
What is the best things in summer?

Hiroshima has important day of peace every summer.
As you know, it is Atomic-bomb day.
A lot of people visit Hiroshima Memorial Park and pray for peace on August 6th.
In evening, people throw a garden lantern into a river.
I had thrown it twice times.
People write about peace in their garden lantern, light a candle and throw slowly it a river.
A lot of garden lanterns are throwing a river.
The sight is very beautiful and fantastic.
The day and event gave people in the world a chance to think of peace.
Why don't you take part in this event this summer?

I wrote about summer.
I want to enjoy this summer because this summer is last summer of my university life.
Further, I'd like to enjoy my last school life.
However, I have many things...
I'll do my best.

Thanks for your reading.
I'd appreciate it if you would make some comments.

See you!!


Rainy Day

It's raining today.
The rainy day depresses a lot of people. 
According to the forecast, rain will clear up at this evening and  it will be cloudy tomorrow.

The rainy season is about to begin.
We have wet weather for many days in the season.
The clothes is sticky with sweat because it's muggy weather continues for many day.
Morever the shoes wet and muddy.
People cannot hang the laundry out and the laundry won't dry at raining day.
There are many problems in rainy day because people often feel uncomfortable.

Rain has not only bad points but also good pints.
Plants needs water, and rain help to fluid absorption of plants.
Rain is blessed rain for farmers.
If you have a tree or flower, you need not to water the plants at rainy day.
Rain has some useful point.

Rain has some nice and bad points.
Rain makes poeple uncomfortable but it helps plants to survive.
Most of the people don't like raining day, but it is OK sometimes, isn't it?


The Festival Helds on This Weekend.

What is your schedule on this weekend?
Tokasan helds from this Friday through Sunday.
It is name of a festival at Hiroshima's shrine.
There are many people in the shrine and enjoy it.
On these three days, the street are lined with many stalls.

Originally, the festival pray for a good harvest and health.
When farmers finished their rice-planting, they pray for God.
People change their clothes and wear a Yukata for the summer.
The festival signal the coming of the new season.

These years, rather than praying harvest, people enjoy the yukata and many kinds of games and foods at the stalls.
Of course, a lot of people visit to the shrine and pray for their good health.
For the yukata, many people wear it on the feastival days because it have traces of the past.

If you want to go to the festival, you visit to Hacchobori in Hiroshima.
It takes place around Enryu temple which was called Inari temple by many people.
Why don't you visit there and enjoy it?


Today is Nice Day.

Today, I was off duty of my part-time job.
I read some literatures and wrote my graduation thesis and blog.

On the morning, It's been a while since I have enough time to sleep.
Nowadays, I have to do many things, such as part-time job, job huntting and go to the library.
I could write and study my thesis at my house, because I rent some literatures.

On the afternoon and evening, I try to understand some literatures very hard.
I ate a carbonara at lunch which was made  by my mother.
It was delicious.

I was studing all day long, and it made me exhausted.
Of course, I took some break when I felt tired.
I got eye strain, because I worked on the computer very long time.
I am going to go to my bed after take a bath.
I had better finish this blog.

Oh, I should sleep early because must work at my part-time job at next morning...
I was very tired, but I had a very worthwhile time!!
I would like to spend everyday likes today.
I'll do my best tomorrow, too!!

Thank you for your reading!!
See you & Good night.


Today's blog!!

The new week begins!!
I often write a blog at bogger on Sundays, but I write the blog this Monday.
I have enough time to write this blog.
If you have enough time, please read my blogg and make some comment.

I am tried now...because I write my graduation thesis at last weekend.
I learn English linguistic and gurammar.
It's difficult for me to understand it.
I always get sleepy when I study it, so I have to stuggle to stay awake.
Do you know anything nice idea about stay awake?

Then, I can't get my graduation thesis into shape.
I try to read the gurammar book which written by all English.
English grammar book has native feeling and specific grammatical item.
It is very useful for me, but it will take time before I comprehend it.
I think I should study English more harder.

In the end, I wrote up my thesis on five papers.
I must sent this to my teacher.
I will recive his guidance this Wednesday.
I'm worry about my graduation thesis, but I'll do my best.



I'll write about my  holiday.
Japanese say that the holiday is "Golden Week", because the week has some national holidays.

On May 3rd and 4th, I didn't nothing special on the holiday.
I worked at my part-time job, went my hose and spleeped.
I was tired, so my part-time job place is thriving.

On May 5th, I visited my grandmother and aunt house with my family.
They live in Okayama,and my family drived our car to there.
It took about three hours.
We talked our life at their house.
It was very nice time!!
Then, we went to see my uncle at hospital.
He seem to happy when we visit him, and he looks better today.
We are relieved to look him.
I had a fantastic day with my relatives!!

On May 6th, I have to do my homework of Tuesday class and graduation thesis.
So, I 'm going to write and study for my homeworks much harder.
To tell the truth, I would like to go to salon because my hair has grown.
However, I have a few more my assignments!!
It means "I can't go there."
It cannot be helped, so I will do it.

How was your holiday?
And, did you enjoy your holiday?


My Weekend

How was your weekend?
My weekend was okay, because it was not special.

Saturday, I went Loft at Sogou and bought some notes and pens.
I use these items for my class and job huntting.
Then, I worked at TULLY's Coffee which is my job place.
It was very busy but I thought it was fruitful work.

Sunday, I had a job interview at a company.
I coudn't talk smoothly because I freezed up in it.
I think I had better quickly turn around because it was already finish.
So, I hold out to the end my job huntting.

So, how about your weekend??
Please tell me it.

See you.


Blog of Advanced Writing

I am writing my blog at end of day.
I think that I am last parson who post on this blog.
I forgot my blog a little, and I was busy becasueI worked at my part-time job and job huntting.

Today, I write about my part-time job.
I go to my part-time job three or four in a week.
I have a part-time job at coffee shop in Tatemachi-Hiroshima.
My shop has many coffee goods, such as a mug, coffee beans and coffee maker.
You can find something to your liking.

I worked at my job today's morning too.
I was very sleepy because had too much coffee to sleep last night and worked my assignment.
Many people visited at the coffee shop, so the shop was bustling.
I am a barista who serves coffee in  the cafe, so I made alot of cafe latte.
When I came home in this evening, I was very tired because worked seven hours a day.
However, I enjoyed my job because I have many nice fellow.

My coffe shop is very comfortable place because that is a hospitable shop.
I make delicious coffee or cafe latte, and I'll be wating you!!
Why don't you visit the coffee shop?