
Be careful about food poisoning.

It's hot today!!

When I was watching the TV, the TV reporter said that we shold be careful about food poisoning on the summer.
It was noticed me that the season of food poisoning.
There are a lot of delicious food in summer, but food spoils quickly in the summer as it is very hot.
People are careful and should take prevention of food poisoning.

We can kill most of the germ by heat.
However, there are some germs can live in heat.
Some germs are evolving in these days.
They are propagated by means of heating, and product a poison.
The dangerous germ has weak point which is a cold of a temperature.
That's why, people can avoid the germ if they use refrigerators.

On the other hand, people must be careful about their hands when they are cooking.
As you know, there are a lot of germs in our hands.
People need to wash their hands very carefully before cooking.

Of course, the best of careful thing is raw food because it is most perishable food, such as vagetables, fish and fruits.
People had better cook and eat these food as soon as posible.
In addition people wash their hands well when they touch it.

The food poisoning is very danger because people become ill from it after eat food.
However, we have a way to prevent it.
We take the right prevention and enjoy many food in this summer!!
Take care not to eat too much and have a stomachache!!

Thanks for your reading.
If you have enough time, please make some comments for me.

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