
About Yesterday

Japan was hit by heavy rain in yesterday.
It caused a lot of uncomfortable things to happen in Hiroshima.
Rivers flooded after a heavy rain.
Buses and trains couldn't run in their route.
Morever, there were some terrible trafic jams in the city.
It made me irritating and worry because I thought I was late at school.
How did you feel about it?

On the evening, I went home after the school.
When I watched the news on the TV, I thought of electricity.
The repoter said electric bill of Tokyo might be going to raise in this summer.
People should save the electricity not only raseing a bill but also our planet.
Nowadays, the environmental problem is very seriously issue in all over the world.

Tokyo tried to save the electricity in last summer because of a power shortage in the city.
As you know, they could not generate a electric power because most of the power plant were severely destroyed by the awful earthquake which happened in area of Tohoku on last March.
As a result, people could not generate enough power by a nuclear power generation.
Of course, it is very dangerous, but it has an important part in generating electricity in Japan.

However, Tokyo needs not to save more electricity this year because people changed the nuclear power generation from the thermal power generation.
The celectric power company made the fullest possible use of their thermal plant.
That is why the citizen have to pay more bill to electric power company, because the cost of the thermal power generation is higher than nucler one.

It is problem not only Tokyo but also Japan.
People should think how to use the electricity.
People can use it by thermal power, and even if the significant technology of electric generation were developed, it would not mean that limited resources could be used freely.

Thanks for reading.
See you!!

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