
Be Carefull of Heat Stroke in The Summer.

The hot weather continues for these days.
Nowadays, Hiroshima's temperature in excess of 30 degrees.
People should worry about heat stroke.
These days, a lot of people suffered heat stroke, and they were taken to hospitals by a ambulance.
In the worst case, severe heat stroke can also lead to death.

I often hear about heat stroke in the news.
Some people already sent to hospitals with this symptom.
My friends produced a touch of heat stroke.
She walked around the street in the sun, and she felt sluggish.
Fortunately, she entered the cafeteria and had a rest before it got too bad.

Heat stroke is a physical disorder caused by a sudden rise in our body heat due to high envitonmental temperature and humidity.
Doctors said that those under stress, the elderly people, infants and short of sleep are also susceptible to heat stroke.
Morever, it is said that people who are overweight or short of sleep are especially susceptible to it.
Experts warn that it can occur even when a people have not been exposed to direct sunlight.
The reason is that deficiency of water and salt contributes to heat stroke.
People are lost thier fluid and salt by a sweat.
That is why, in the summer, it is important to drink water and take in salt for people wherever we are.
Sports drinks are especially effective for this.
Unfortunately, if you suffering from heat stroke, you should rest in a cool and airy place, and try to lower your body temperature.

An increasing number of hear stroke will have been reported if the extremely hot weather in this summer.
Please be carefull of it, and pay great attention to keeping our good physical condition.
To beat the heat, people should ensure frequent of fluids and get enough sleep to maintain a nice physical condition.

Thanks for reading.
Pease make some comments for me if you read my blog and have enough time.

See you!!

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